POLYVIEW highlight string conversion tool

It is aimed to help user in generating a proper text string for highlighting specific residues. Once generated it can be then copied and pasted to the POLYVIEW view settings form. Alternatively, one can get a regular (comma delimited) list of residues highlighted by POLYVIEW. Original list of residues should be delimited by either space or comma. Hyphen is used for range definition.

Original list of residues to be highlighted
For example: 1,2,45,57,180-185,211 or 4 5 9 13 15 17-21 35 41-50 89 90
List of residues to be highlighted in POLYVIEW format
For example: A:279:M,A:282:M,A:285:M,B:150-170,C:15:r,C:17:r,C:29:r
Copy and paste this result into the 'Individual Residues' slot in the main form.
Close this window when finished.